Meet Our Animal Team


Meet Lilly Biscuit


Woof! I’m Lilly Biscuit. I’m a 3 year old Golden Retriever. Shanti brought me home to California from Arizona when I was a puppy and we’ve spent 3 years growing up, gaining confidence, and going to school to become a therapy dog.

I am sensitive, love to connect, and cuddle like it’s my job! Shanti says my sensitivity and love for connecting makes me unique at my job. Because I’m so sensitive, I may seem shy at first or get overstimulated but I’m learning how to regulate my nervous system, which is why I’m a therapy dog in training.

My favorite things to do are play with my stuffed animal elephant Ele Biscuit that I’ve had since I was a pup, play with my brother, and get belly rubs. I’ll take pets over treats any day. I can’t wait to meet you!


Meet Justice


Neigh! I’m Justice. I’m an 11-year-old, buckskin, quarter horse gelding. My mom was originally rescued when she was in foal by Zuma’s Rescue Ranch in Colorado. 

Shanti and I met when I was three and we knew we were soul mates! Two years later, I moved to my forever home with Shanti in California. I’m curious, playful, good at problem solving, and I like to be in relationship.

I’m still a bit of a teenager but maturing every day and eager to be a therapy horse. I will have lots of lessons to teach you about setting healthy boundaries and believing in yourself. I hope to meet you out at the ranch!

Meet Loki


Neigh! I’m Loki. I’m a 19-year-old, paint, quarter horse mare. I came from the CHANGE program of Sonoma County because I didn’t have enough food, shelter, or appropriate care at my old home. They tell me I was neglected and sharing my story is hard sometimes. When I met Shanti, I instantly connected with her heart and let her know I wanted to be a therapy horse for sensitive souls with similar life experiences. 

I LOVE being a therapy horse and sharing my gifts of sensitivity, intuition, wisdom, patience, and acceptance. My favorite things to do are roll, take mid-morning naps, and connect from the heart. I also really like hanging out with Justice, even though he can be an annoying teenager sometimes! I love working with sensitive humans and I’ll let you know when it’s time for us to work together.

Meet Kai

Bleat! I’m Kai. I’m a 8-year-old Nigerian dwarf goat. 

My brother Jets and I came from a family farm in Cotati, CA. When Shanti met me, she knew I wanted to be a therapy goat because I’m so social! 

The humans I work with say that I’m outgoing, kind, funny, and a good brother. Sometimes, they call me “attention seeking”, whatever that means! My favorite things to do are butt heads with my sheep sibling, Dillon, rub noses with my sheep sibling, Fallon, and get ear scratches. I’ll be waiting at the fence to say hi to you! 


Meet Jets


Bleat! I’m Jets. I’m a 8-year-old Nigerian dwarf goat. 

My brother Kai and I came from a family farm in Cotati, CA. You can tell me from my brother because I have brown spots! 

The humans I work with say that I’m sensitive, caring, and calm. My favorite things to do are take mid-morning naps in the sun, scratch my back on the fence, and hang out with my sheep siblings. I love it when you come to hang out with me!

Meet Dillon


Baaa! I’m Dillon. I’m a 6 year old East Friesian sheep. 

My brother, sister, and I came from Toluma Farm in Tomales, CA. My mom was not able to take care of me when I was born, which is why Shanti adopted and bottle fed me. 

I’m very sweet and affectionate but I’ve been told that I have a hard time controlling myself sometimes. I’m the biggest of my siblings and been have called a bully before, whatever that means. I just take my job of protecting my siblings very seriously sometimes! My favorite things to do are butt heads with my goat sibling, Kai, get face rubs from you, and give you kisses! 

If you come to visit, I’ll let you know I want all the attention. Don’t worry about my siblings, they can be a little shy.

Meet Fallon


Baaa! I’m Fallon. I’m a 6 year old East Friesian sheep. 

My brother, sister, and I came from Toluma Farm in Tomales, CA. My mom was not able to take care of me when I was born, which is why Shanti adopted and bottle fed me. 

When Shanti learned that Dillon and I were brothers, she had to take both of us. I’m definitely not as social as my brother but I’m getting more confident as I grow up and will say hello before going to hang with my siblings. My favorite things to do are rub heads with my goat sibling Kai, eat my veggies, and be there for my siblings.

Meet Toluma


Baaa! I’m Toluma. I’m a 6 year old East Friesian sheep. 

My brothers and I came from Toluma Farm in Tomales, CA. My mom was not able to take care of me when I was born, which is why Shanti adopted and bottle fed me. I was told I was very sick as a lamb. I’m the smallest of my siblings and the only girl. 

My brothers’ think they’re smart but I outsmart them every day. I’ve been told that I’m sweet, caring, and gentle. I’m pretty shy so when you come to visit, I’ll hang back and let my siblings say hi first but if your patient and connect with me from your heart I’ll probably come over. My favorite things to do are connect from the heart and eat blackberries. 

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